The Norfolk Historical Society

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Members Make it Happen!

Membership in the Norfolk Historical Society is open to everyone who is interested in preserving, protecting, and interpreting the history of Norfolk and Hampton Roads, Virginia. Members receive an annual subscription to the Courier and free or discounted admission to a variety of lectures and special events.

Annual Dues

Membership is available at a variety of levels:

  • Grand Old Sentinel - $200.00
  • Contributor - $100.00
  • Supporter - $50.00
  • Family - $35.00
  • Individual - $25.00
  • Student - $10.00

Special Contributions

In addition to membership dues, donors may also make a special contribution to support the Norfolk Historical Society's education, restoration, and preservation programs. Current special projects include the Biography Project and the George Holbert Tucker Endowment.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are often needed for special events and projects. Keep your eye on the Courier for announcements.

To Get Involved, send your name, address, phone number, and contribution to:

Norfolk Historical Society
P.O. Box 6367
Norfolk, VA 23508-0367

You may also sign-up online, although you will still have to use the postal service to mail us a check for your dues.

The Norfolk Historical Society is certified as a tax-exempt, public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and gifts are tax-deductible.


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