Fort Norfolk Virtual Tour
- Main Gate
- Dungeon
- Carpenter's Shop
- Underground Storage
- Officers' Quarters
- Covered Walkway
- Navy Magazine
- Rail Track
- Carriage House
- Stable
- Barracks
- Main Battery
- Guardhouse
- Cistern
YouTube Fort Norfolk Tour: Historic Forrest - Fort Norfolk Tour
Visitor Information
Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM For Self Guided Tour. The self guided tour is only the outside of the buildings inside the fort. Free parking is available behind the guard house at the Entrance. Must show picture ID to gate guard at entrance building.
The Norfolk Historic Society will open the fort and provide tours starting June 1 until the end of September on Sundays from Noon - 4:00 PM, and the first Sunday of each month from Noon to 4:00 PM.
Admission Cost: Free
Address: 810 Front Street, Norfolk, VA 23510
Official Web site for more information: http://www.nao.usace.army.mil