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Norfolk Highlights 1584 - 1881
By George Holbert Tucker

Table of Contents

  1. Before the White Men Came
  2. Exploring With the Smith Party
  3. Whence Elizabeth River, Willoughby, and Two Points
  4. The Origin of Norfolk's Name
  5. The History of Norfolk's Site
  6. The "Half Moone" Fort
  7. The Birth of "Norfolk Towne"
  8. Watching Norfolk's First Steps
  9. Norfolk Becomes a Borough
  10. The Norfolk Mace
  11. Everyday Life in Pre-Revolutionary Norfolk
  12. A Colorful Pre-Revolutionary Mayor
  13. Paul Loyall and the Press Gang
  14. George Washington in Norfolk
  15. Streets Where History Walked
  16. The Borough Church
  17. The Borough Courtyard
  18. The Ball in the Wall
  19. The Dunmore Ball
  20. The Press of a Patriot
  21. Methodism in Early Norfolk
  22. The Burning of Norfolk
  23. The Coming of the French
  24. Music in Old Norfolk
  25. Norfolk Theater History - Part I
  26. Norfolk Theater History - Part II
  27. Norfolk's Presbyterian Beginnings
  28. Flags of Fortune
  29. Decatur Drinks a Famous Toast
  30. The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
  31. Historic Fort Norfolk
  32. The Battle of Craney Island
  33. Lafayette's Four Visits
  34. The Norfolk-Portsmouth Ferries
  35. The Making of a Shrine
  36. The 1855 Yellow Fever Epidemic
  37. Two Memorable Freezes
  38. Landmark of Loveliness
  39. Alexander Galt - The Sculptor from Norfolk
  40. Other Notable Buildings and Houses
  41. Early Norfolk Baptist Highlights
  42. Forrest - Norfolk's First Historian
  43. Norfolk and the Navy
  44. Norfolk's Civil War Phase
  45. Virginia's First Civil War Engagement
  46. Lincoln Plans the Recapture of Norfolk
  47. The Hanging of Dr. Wright
  48. A Norfolk Girl Told President Davis
  49. Norfolk's Two Civil War Monuments
  50. Norfolk's Early Jewish History
  51. The Old Bells of Norfolk
  52. Other Distinguished Visitors
  53. Education in Old Norfolk
  54. Norfolk's Farewell to a Hero
  55. The Norfolk Library and Its Antecedents
  56. The Virginia Club
  57. General Pickett's Funeral
  58. The Russian Invasion
  59. African-Americans in Norfolk
  60. Norfolk and the Revolutionary Centennial


For more information, please contact:

The Norfolk Historical Society
P.O. Box 6367
Norfolk, VA 23508-0367

The Norfolk Historical Society is certified as a tax-exempt, public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and gifts are tax-deductible.