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Diary of Adolphus Petty Pool

Company D 3rd Virginia Cavalry


December 1863

  1. I remained in camp at Orange C House.  Very coal and windy.
  2. I remained in camp at Orange C House.  I put in one hundred and fifty boxes of buns included a eleven coach is with corns.
  3. I remained in camp at Orange C House.  I received a letter from S D P Pool of Petersburg.
  4. I started from Orange C House came to Madison county in our same old camp on Coronal Tyman Lands.  Got a letter from S L S.
  5. I remained in camp on Coronal Tymans land.  I wrote a letter to S D P Pool of Petersburg.
  6. Sun – I remained in camp.  I sent my horse home.  The rgt went on picket.
  7. I remained in camp on the count of not having any horse.  The rgt is on picket.
  8. I remained in camp.  The rgt is on picket.  Very coal at night.
  9. I remained in camp on Coronal Tyman land.  The rgt is on picket.
  10. I remained in camp on Coronal Tyman land.  The rgt is on picket.
  11. I remained in camp.  The rgt returned from picket.  We received orders to be ready to march at 9 AM.
  12. I started from camp Tyman at day came to Orange C House got on the train came to Gordensvill Lousia C House, Hanover C House and to Richmond.  I went to the theatre at night.
  13. Sun – I started from Richmond at 6 AM got to Petersburg at 8 AM.  It was raining the train left me.  I started from Petersburg at 9 M got to Stony Creek at 11 M Stayed at Mrs. Epps.
  14. I started from Mrs. Epps got home at 10 AM went over to Mr. Mitchells and came back to home at night.
  15. I went out deer hunting.  I got a shoot and missed.  The dogs caught the deer and ate her.
  16. I went out deer hunting.  The dogs jumped on and ran off.
  17. I went to Mr. Kings S Roses Parsons Smith returned home.
  18. I started from home early came to Stony Creek gat on the train got to Petersburg at 3 PM.  I went to Mr. Paynes stayed all night.  Walked down in Blaufort to school singing.
  19. I went to Mr. Paynes to Mr. Jacksons stayed all night.  I was very busy all day.
  20. Sun – I started from Mr. Jackson early got on train at Jarretts came out to Stony Creek called at Jacke Winfields then home.
  21. I went from home to Dinwiddie C House from there home.
  22. I started from home went to Mr John Epps sale in Sussex County near Jarretts Depot.  Came back to Mr. John Mitchells stayed all night.
  23. I started out very early deer hunting.  Had very bad luck started one and the dogs caught her.  Coal and snowy.
  24. I started early deer hunting coulden jump on.
  25. I started early from home went to Stony got on the train went to Reamsess Pu--.  Stayed at Mothers until 2 AM.
  26. I started from Nelonsville at 2 AM got to Petersburg at 3 M went out to Poses stayed until 8 PM came back to Petersburg took the train at 1 PM came to Melonsville.
  27. I started from Melonsvill at 10 AM got to Stony Creek at 11 AM came to Larys Roses from there to G Mitchells.
  28. I started from Mr. Mitchells went deer hunting coulden jump one raining very hard all day.  I went home took dinner at Mr P Mitchells.
  29. I started from home early went to Petersburg bought a horse started out at 8 PM got home at 12 M.
  30. Went over to Mr. Smiths at night.
  31. I owe to the Estate of Stephen P. Pool nine hundred dollars.  To R W Brown four hundred dollars for money borrowed.  To E T Pool nineteen hundred dollars for a horse purchased from his wife.