Diary of Adolphus Petty Pool
Company D 3rd Virginia Cavalry
February 1863
- Company inspection. Orders all could go to church under a commission officer. Several went. Moderate warm.
- Got pass to go out of camp to have my horse shod. Moderate warm. Regiment remained in camp.
- Snowed until 10 AM cold.
- Remained in camp. Cold.
- Remained in camp. Cold. Snowing very fast part of day.
- Remained in camp. Moderate warm and raining. Boy came from home.
- Remained in camp. Warm. Orders came for the condemned horses to be reported to send home.
- Company inspection at 10. Got orders to strike tents and send them away. Went to preaching at Carmel Church. Warm.
- Started march at 9. Marched from King William to Chesterfield station in Caroline County. Distance 20 mi. Warm.
- Marched from Chesterfield Station in Caroline Co. to Waller Hotel in Spottsylvania County. Distance 20 mi. Warm.
- Left camp early at Waller Hotel Caroline County. Marched to Orange. Distance 24 mi. Snowing then raining cold.
- Left camp early in Orange County. Marched to Culpeper Court House by 3 PM. Moderate warm. Nothing for man nor horse to eat.
- Remained in camp all day at Culpeper Court House. Moderate warm. Went to Court House to get dinner.
- Received orders to strike tents at 9 AM. Marched one mile to go in camp again. Mild. I put a chimney to my tent.
- Remained in camp. Regimental inspection. Mild. Had orders at 9 AM to cook up four days rations to go on picket.
- Remained in camp. Warm. Went on picket at 4 on Hazel River. Got to the post at 8 PM.
- On picket commenced snowing at 4 PM. Just as my relief came I went to the reserve. Went to sleep. Waked up next morning the snow was 4 or 5 inches deep on me.
- Picketing on the Hazel River. Raining and freezing all day and night. Nothing for my horse to eat during the time.
- Picketing on the Hazel River. Relieved at 2PM. Returned to camp. Ten mile distance. Reached camp at 6PM. Warm snow melting very fast.
- Remained in camp all day sewing on my clothes. Several of the boys went to the theatre at Culpeper Court House gotten up by members of this regiment. Moderate warm.
- Remained in camp. Warm. Orders came that we must build a???? for our horses.
- Snowing fast all day. Now 15 inches deep. Remained in camp.
- Remained in camp. Snow did not melt much.
- Received orders at 6 AM to cook up rations for 3 days to march at 8 AM. Marched from Culpeper Court House crossed at Kellys ford stopped in Fauquir County near the Rappahannock. Had to rake the snow to sleep.
- Very cold. Started on a march at 8 AM. Came up with the Yankees at 1 PM. Made a charge, repulsed them without any loss. Made a charge again in the evening. Captured 170. Two of our men got wounded.
- Started from Fauquir crossed the Rappahannock at Kellies Ford, reached camp at Culpepper Court House at 2 PM. Cold very sloppy.
- Remained in camp.
- Remained in camp.