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Diary of Adolphus Petty Pool

Company D 3rd Virginia Cavalry


October 1863

  1. I started from Druries bluff early went through Richmond on by Hanover Court House crossed over the Pamunkey.  Stayed all night.
  2. I started from Pamunkey in Caroline County went through Bowling Green in Caroline County.  Stayed all night.  It rained very hard.
  3. I started from Guinea Station came by Hamptons crossings through Fredericksburg by Medersville then to Orange Spring where I found my Co.
  4. Sun – I remained in camp at Orange Springs.  We had preaching twice during the day.
  5. We remained in camp.  Drilled on horse back from 9 AM until 10 AM in evening on foot at 4 PM come off at 5 PM.  Review at sunset.  I wrote a letter to S.S.
  6. Rgt remained in camp.  Drill on horseback at 9 AM came off at 11 AM.  I got pass to go out of camp.  Drill on foot at 4 PM.  Review sunset.
  7. We remained in camp at Orange Springs.  Drill on foot at 4 PM.  Dress parade at sunset.  Tattoo at 9 PM.  I wrote a letter to E T P Pool Dinwiddie Co.
  8. We remained in camp.
  9. We received orders at 3 AM to be ready to march at sunrise.  Marched nearly to Roccoon  Ford.  Went in camp. Moderate warm and clear.
  10. We remained in camp near the Raccoon ford. moderate warm. Little Rainy
  11. We were waked up at ? Am to meet the Yankees sixteen or seventeen raides from the Rapidan to the Rappahannock. Clear moderate
  12. We crossed the Hazel river went to Jeffersonton crossed the Rappehannock below  the springs fell in with the Yankee pick --- out as sharp shooter. Night moderate warm clear.
  13. We came up by the Warrenton spring on the Warrenton got in with the Yankee infantry stopped stayed all night. Moderate warm and clear.
  14. We started from near Warrenton came by New Baltimore Brookville.  Stopped and stayed all night at muddy run.
  15. Started early from muddy run went to Manassas plains charged across got in with the --- at Bull Run drove them cross after a heard fight.  Rained a little.
  16. We remained in Manassas juntion all day the Yankees came cross the run.  I was put on picket.  It rained very heard.
  17. I started from Manassas junction to go after rations.  I went by Buckland New Baltimore and to Warrenton junction where I found the wagons.
  18. Sun – I started from Warrenton junction went by Orbern New Baltimore Gainsville found the Rgt at Buckner station.  We went on picket.  Rained very heard.
  19. We started from Buckner station at 4 AM went by Catlett station Orbern got in with the Yankees at Buckland routed the whole business captured two to three hundred prisoners three or four canons, wagons, ambulances.
  20. We started from Buckland came by Orbern near Warrenton junction crossed the Rappehannoch at Welfords foar at 9 PM and went in to camp.
  21. We remained in camp near Beulies ford near Welfords ford.
  22. We remained in camp at Welfords ford in Culpeper County.  I wrote two letters on to E T P Pool the other to Mr. L Phillips.  We had company inspection.
  23. We remained in camp.
  24. We remained in camp.  I wrote a letter to E T P Pool in Dinwiddie County Va.
  25. We remained in camp.  I received three letters one from E T Pool Petty Pool, Josephine Brown.  I went to the twelth to see my Brother.
  26. We remained in camp near Welfords ford.  I wrote a letter to E T Pool of Dinwiddie Co. Va. And one to J King Dinwiddie Co.
  27. We remained in camp.  I wrote a letter to Mrs. R W Brown Dinwiddie Co.
  28. I remained in camp on the account of being unwell.  The rgt went on picket at the Rappehannock bridge.
  29. I remained in camp near Welfords ford.  The rgt is on picket.  The rgt returned to camp just before night.
  30. We remained in camp near Welfords ford.
  31. I was detailed early in the morning to go to Fredericksburg came by Brandy crossed the Rappehannock at Ealis ford got to Fredericksburg at day light.

November 1863