Diary of Adolphus Petty Pool
Company D 3rd Virginia Cavalry
October 1863
- I started from Druries bluff early went through Richmond on by Hanover Court House crossed over the Pamunkey. Stayed all night.
- I started from Pamunkey in Caroline County went through Bowling Green in Caroline County. Stayed all night. It rained very hard.
- I started from Guinea Station came by Hamptons crossings through Fredericksburg by Medersville then to Orange Spring where I found my Co.
- Sun – I remained in camp at Orange Springs. We had preaching twice during the day.
- We remained in camp. Drilled on horse back from 9 AM until 10 AM in evening on foot at 4 PM come off at 5 PM. Review at sunset. I wrote a letter to S.S.
- Rgt remained in camp. Drill on horseback at 9 AM came off at 11 AM. I got pass to go out of camp. Drill on foot at 4 PM. Review sunset.
- We remained in camp at Orange Springs. Drill on foot at 4 PM. Dress parade at sunset. Tattoo at 9 PM. I wrote a letter to E T P Pool Dinwiddie Co.
- We remained in camp.
- We received orders at 3 AM to be ready to march at sunrise. Marched nearly to Roccoon Ford. Went in camp. Moderate warm and clear.
- We remained in camp near the Raccoon ford. moderate warm. Little Rainy
- We were waked up at ? Am to meet the Yankees sixteen or seventeen raides from the Rapidan to the Rappahannock. Clear moderate
- We crossed the Hazel river went to Jeffersonton crossed the Rappehannock below the springs fell in with the Yankee pick --- out as sharp shooter. Night moderate warm clear.
- We came up by the Warrenton spring on the Warrenton got in with the Yankee infantry stopped stayed all night. Moderate warm and clear.
- We started from near Warrenton came by New Baltimore Brookville. Stopped and stayed all night at muddy run.
- Started early from muddy run went to Manassas plains charged across got in with the --- at Bull Run drove them cross after a heard fight. Rained a little.
- We remained in Manassas juntion all day the Yankees came cross the run. I was put on picket. It rained very heard.
- I started from Manassas junction to go after rations. I went by Buckland New Baltimore and to Warrenton junction where I found the wagons.
- Sun – I started from Warrenton junction went by Orbern New Baltimore Gainsville found the Rgt at Buckner station. We went on picket. Rained very heard.
- We started from Buckner station at 4 AM went by Catlett station Orbern got in with the Yankees at Buckland routed the whole business captured two to three hundred prisoners three or four canons, wagons, ambulances.
- We started from Buckland came by Orbern near Warrenton junction crossed the Rappehannoch at Welfords foar at 9 PM and went in to camp.
- We remained in camp near Beulies ford near Welfords ford.
- We remained in camp at Welfords ford in Culpeper County. I wrote two letters on to E T P Pool the other to Mr. L Phillips. We had company inspection.
- We remained in camp.
- We remained in camp. I wrote a letter to E T P Pool in Dinwiddie County Va.
- We remained in camp. I received three letters one from E T Pool Petty Pool, Josephine Brown. I went to the twelth to see my Brother.
- We remained in camp near Welfords ford. I wrote a letter to E T Pool of Dinwiddie Co. Va. And one to J King Dinwiddie Co.
- We remained in camp. I wrote a letter to Mrs. R W Brown Dinwiddie Co.
- I remained in camp on the account of being unwell. The rgt went on picket at the Rappehannock bridge.
- I remained in camp near Welfords ford. The rgt is on picket. The rgt returned to camp just before night.
- We remained in camp near Welfords ford.
- I was detailed early in the morning to go to Fredericksburg came by Brandy crossed the Rappehannock at Ealis ford got to Fredericksburg at day light.